Sip Your Way into Cannabis: A Beginner's Guide to THC Seltzers

Quick summary

  1. Introduction

  2. Understanding Cannabis

  3. Choosing and Using THC Seltzers

  4. Health Considerations

  5. Comparing THC Seltzers to Other Cannabis Products

  6. Embark on Your Cannabis Journey with THC Seltzers

  7. Frequently Asked Questions


If you’re new to cannabis, THC seltzers are a great place to start your journey. Cannabis-infused beverages come in a variety of flavors and doses, allowing you to control your experience based on your tastes and tolerance. For the canna-curious, THC seltzers take the guesswork out of proper dosing and provide a familiar form factor, unlike smoking or vaping flower.

Understanding Cannabis

Understanding THC and CBD

Before diving into the world of THC seltzers, it's important to understand the two most well-known cannabinoids: THC and CBD. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the compound in cannabis that produces the "high" feeling. On the other hand, CBD, or cannabidiol, is non-psychoactive and known for its potential therapeutic benefits. Some THC seltzers may also contain CBD, providing a balanced experience.

Understanding THC Seltzers

THC seltzers contain a specific amount of THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the “high” feeling. The THC is dissolved into the seltzer, allowing for precise control over the potency. Most brands offer seltzers with 5-10 milligrams of THC per can, a moderate dose good for new users. The effects tend to be felt within 15-30 minutes of drinking a seltzer and can last 2 to 4 hours. The gradual onset and offset of effects from drinking THC seltzers provides a smooth, mellow experience without the rapid rush or crash of other consumption methods.

Choosing and Using THC Seltzers

Choosing the Right THC Seltzer for You

When choosing a THC seltzer, consider factors like flavor, potency, and brand reputation. At Good Feels, we offer a variety of flavors to suit every palate, from refreshing blood orange to fruity pineapple mango. Our seltzers are carefully crafted with consistent potency, ensuring you can control your experience. As a trusted brand in the cannabis industry, you can count on Good Feels to deliver high-quality, enjoyable THC seltzers.

best thc seltzers

Taste and Experience

The taste of THC seltzers is indistinguishable from non-infused seltzers, allowing you to enjoy delicious flavors like lemon-lime, berry, and tropical punch. The cannabis flavor is completely masked, so you can sip freely without worrying about the taste of weed. The bubbles also help the THC absorb into your bloodstream faster, accelerating the onset of effects.

For these reasons, THC seltzers have become popular as a refreshing and discreet way to consume cannabis at social gatherings or in public where smoking and vaping are prohibited.

How to Store THC Seltzers

Proper storage can affect the quality and longevity of THC seltzers. It's best to store them in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. The fridge is an ideal location, especially if you prefer your seltzers chilled. Avoid leaving them in hot environments, as this could affect the potency and taste.

Health Considerations

Potential Health Benefits and Risks

While research into the health benefits of cannabis is ongoing, some studies suggest that THC may have therapeutic properties, such as pain relief, anti-nausea, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, it's important to note that effects can vary greatly among individuals, and what works well for one person might not work as well for another.

Responsible Consumption

As with any cannabis product, moderation and responsibility are key. Start with a low dose seltzer, around 2 to 5 milligrams of THC, to gauge your tolerance before increasing the amount. The effects can take time to fully set in, so be patient and avoid drinking too quickly. THC seltzers are meant to be enjoyed casually and socially, but can still impair your coordination, judgment, and reaction times. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after drinking THC seltzers.

Comparing THC Seltzers to Other Cannabis Products

While THC seltzers provide an approachable way to experience cannabis, their effects may differ from other methods of consumption. The absence of other beneficial cannabis compounds like CBD and terpenes found in flower can produce a slightly different high. Some people report THC seltzers produce more of a body high sensation with less mental euphoria. The effects also tend to be shorter in duration than from smoking or vaping flower.

Embark on Your Cannabis Journey with THC Seltzers

If you’re looking for an easy, discreet way to dip your toe into the world of cannabis, THC seltzers are a perfect place to start. Their familiar form, precise dosing, and refreshing flavors provide an enjoyable experience for the canna-curious and social cannabis consumers alike. As always, do your research and start low and slow to find what works best for you. Most of all, have fun and enjoy discovering all the benefits cannabis has to offer!

Looking to purchase some tasty THC Seltzers?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is THC Seltzer?

THC Seltzer is a refreshing beverage that combines the taste of seltzer water with the benefits of THC, a compound found in cannabis.

How does THC Seltzer work?

When you consume THC Seltzer, the THC enters your bloodstream and interacts with receptors in your brain and body, creating a relaxing and euphoric experience.

Is THC Seltzer legal?

The legality of THC Seltzer varies depending on where you live. It's important to check your local laws and regulations before purchasing or consuming any THC-infused products.

Will THC Seltzer get me high?

Yes, THC Seltzer contains THC, which can produce psychoactive effects. However, the intensity of these effects may vary depending on the dosage and your individual tolerance.

Can I drink THC Seltzer at a social gathering?

Absolutely! THC Seltzer is a great addition to social gatherings, providing a unique and enjoyable experience for you and your friends.

Can I enjoy THC Seltzer for personal relaxation?

Yes, THC Seltzer is perfect for personal relaxation. The calming effects of THC combined with the refreshing taste of seltzer make it a great choice for unwinding after a long day.


  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). "What is marijuana?" link

  2. "Cannabis drinks pop up as companies bet on the growing market for legal marijuana" - CNBC

  3. "THC Seltzer: Game-Changer in Edible Cannabis [Potent Potable]" - Homebrew Academy

  4. "Cannabis Beverages Market Size, Share | Growth [2021-2028]" - Fortune Business Insights

Jason Reposa

Jason Reposa, a seasoned technologist and recognized authority in the cannabis industry, is the founder of Good Feels, a Minority Business Enterprise. With over 25 years of experience in technology and product development and deep expertise in THC drinks and cannabis, Jason's insights and innovations have significantly shaped the cannabis landscape.


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